Besides making sure the plants in our church stay looking beautiful, they set the stage for a welcoming Sunday experience and they plan the Mass of Remembrance. If you attended or watched the Mass, you know what an amazing job they do!
The four teams on the Lawn Mowing Crew do a wonderful job of making our lawns look nice and neat. They rotate weeks throughout the month so they can split up the work. Thank you for keeping our lawns neat and trimmed.
There are two teams that rotate weekly to count the money that comes in from the weekend collections. Audrey Bruns, in the brown shirt on the right, is one of our original money counters and has been on the team since 1989! Thank you, money counters, for your dedication and time!
The Social Justice Committee supports our parish by calling people everywhere, and of every faith, to work toward the elimination of poverty, to speak out against injustices and to actively shape a more peaceful and just world.
They strive to bring the Gospel to the world by developing social justice and service related opportunities for growth in faith and spirituality for all parishioners.
To learn more about the committee or to become involved, visit
The committee is led by Maize Micek. The other parishioners that make up the Social Justice Committee are: